Scholarship Search

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Once you have been admitted to Missouri Western State University you are able to select the Apply Now button below to begin completing the General Scholarship Application.

While most scholarship recipients are selected using applicants who have completed the General Scholarship Application, there are a few scholarships that require you to complete an additional application for eligibility. Those scholarships will have an Apply Now button listed next to them.

Scholarships (231)

A. B. DeMuth Business Award

This scholarship was established in 2009 by the trust of Marie D. Fulkerson. Marie passed away on January 6, 2009. The Fulkerson Center on the MWSU campus is named after Marie and her husband Lyman. The applicants for this scholarship should be full-time sophomore, junior, or senior-level students who have declared a major in Business. Applicants must have graduated from high schools in Buchanan, Andrew, and Holt counties. Scholarships are renewable if the eligibility requirements are met.


A. B. DeMuth Business Award, in honor of Lyman M. Fulkerson

This scholarship was established in 2009 by the trust of Marie D. Fulkerson. Marie passed away on January 6, 2009. The Fulkerson Center on the MWSU campus is named after Marie and her husband Lyman. The applicants for this scholarship should be full-time sophomore, junior or senior level students who have declared a major in Business. Applicants must have graduated from high schools in Buchanan, Andrew, and Holt counties. Scholarships are renewable if the eligibility requirements are met.

Alan J. Cabiness Memorial Scholarship

Alan J. Cabiness graduated from Missouri Western in 1977. This scholarship was established in his memory after his passing in 1984 by his friends and family. Recipients shall be Nursing majors with preference given to 3rd and 4th semester Nursing students and/or students with involvement in professional activities.

Allene Patton Memorial Nursing Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 2021 by an anonymous donor in memory of Allene Patton for full-time students in good academic standing who intend to pursue a Nursing degree.

Alma Pletcher Scholarship

The estate of Alma Pletcher established this scholarship in here honor after her passing for full-time junior or senior level students in good standing.

Alumni Association Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the Alumni Association to assist undergraduate legacy students who's parent(s), step-parent(s), or grandparent(s) are graduates of Missouri Western State University. Awards are based on a minimum GPA of 2.75. Community engagement, collegiate involvement, career goals and financial need are taken into consideration.

Ambassadors Re-entry Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the Missouri Western Ambassadors group consisting of community and campus members who are dedicated to raising funds for nontraditional students. This scholarship was established to assist nontraditional students who are 25 years or older who are enrolled in a minimum of 6 credit hours or more per semester.

Andrews-Whitaker Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was provided by Mr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Whitaker of St. Joseph in memory of their parents, Madeline Keil Andrews, George H. Andrews, Cora Ann Johnson Whitaker, and James W. Whitaker. Both donors are graduates of the St. Joseph Junior College. Applicants must have demonstrated academic excellence.

Anne Reed Gray Memorial Arts Scholarship

Anne Reed Gray was an activist for the St. Joseph community and Missouri Western, as well as, an avid lover of the arts. Mrs. Gray completed over forty-two hours of credits at Missouri Western with an emphasis in painting. After the age of 50, she took lessons from regional artists Al Kost, Cheryl Symonis and Elenore Thomas. Along with other local artists, Mrs. Gray also painted murals at St. Joseph's Interview Center at Noyes Home, Patee Hall's Youth Health Center Playroom, United Cerebral Palsy and Albert Kost's mural design for the St. Joseph Junior College Conference Room at Missouri Western. Mrs. Gray also hosted the initial fundraiser for the Glenn Marion Clock Tower on the campus of Missouri Western State University. Applicants must be full-time students in good standing who are a declared major in one of the programs within the School of Fine Arts. The scholarship is renewable if eligibility requirements are met.

Aschermann-Tanner Underrepresented Scholarship in Education

Dr. Nancy Tanner Edwards established this endowed scholarship in 2018 to advocate and support perspective teachers from populations traditionally underrepresented as classroom educators in the public schools of the United States. Dr. Edwards worked for five decades to admit minorities to careers formally closed to them in various parts of the United States. Full-time students in good academic standing may apply. Applicants must be from a population underrepresented as teachers in public schools of the United States and be declared majors in one of the following; Early Childhood, Elementary or Secondary Education. Demonstrated desire to serve others and satisfactory performance in courses will be considered.

AW Warren Student Teaching Scholarship

This scholarship was created by the A. W. Warren Trust to assist Early Childhood and/or Elementary Education majors who are student teaching during their Senior year. Students must be enrolled full-time and in good academic standing.

Baker Educational Fund

Established in honor of and as a memorial to Cecil Baker, Cordelia Ruth Baker, Betty I. Baker, and Jack P. Baker. Students must be an athlete from Northwest Missouri.

Blake K. Scanlon Applied Learning Presentation Grant

This grant was established by Dr. James J. and Lauren K. Scanlon in honor of their son Blake K. Scanlon. Dr. James J. Scanlon was Missouri Western's President from 2001-2008. This grant provides travel funding for students presenting works both nationally and internationally.

Bob and Fern Dawson Scholarship

This scholarship was established in honor of Bob and Fern Dawson, grandparents to Kendra Jones and Kelly Kempi who started this scholarship in 2006. Recipients must be full-time students at the junior or senior level who are majoring in Education or Art Education. Preference will be given to first generation college students. Scholarships are renewable if eligibility requirements are met.

Bob Berger Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship in memory of former Director of Financial Aid gives scholarship preference to students in Education, Nursing or Biology majors.

Boehringer Ingelheim Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 1986 by Boehringer Ingelheim for declared Chemistry majors.

Brad Arn Scholarship

This scholarship was established in December 1998 by the family of Brad Arn and the Missouri Western Criminal Justice and Legal Studies Department. Arn, a police officer with the St. Joseph Police Department, was killed in the line of duty on November 11, 1998. He was a student in the criminal justice department at Missouri Western. His degree was awarded posthumously at the May 15, 1999 Commencement ceremony. Applicants must be Criminal Justice or Legal Studies majors with preference given to St. Joseph Police Officers returning to college, then other area law enforcement officers.

Buchanan County Medical Society Scholarship

The Buchanan County Medical Society established this scholarship to assist students enrolled in the Nursing program.

Carol and James Roever Business Scholarship

Carol was a long-time faculty member and first Dean of the Craig School of Business, serving in different capacities for 28 years. Jim was Vice President for Academic Affairs for 17 years and was then Vice President for Advancement and Executive Director of the Missouri Western Foundation. Recipients must be a full-time student in good academic standing who has completed at least 60 hours with a declared Business major.

Chris Faros Scholarship

Chris Faros '73 and Zack Workman '74 were selected as the first football captains at Missouri Western. Faros played Griffon football for four years before beginning his coaching career in 1974 at Colorado State University. In 1983, when Faros was the offensive coordinator for the Memphis State Tigers, he was killed in a plane crash in Tennessee at 31 years old. Workman and Faros' other teammates established this scholarship in his memory. The original members including Workman, Joe Vigliaturo and Dave Hedrick worked with Dr. James McCarthy to establish this scholarship. Students must be senior members of the football team who are deemed to have excellent performance, both athletically and academically, while a member of the football team.


Clark G. Glaze (Emily B. Glaze) Scholarship (Pre-Med Portion)

This scholarship was established through the St. Joseph Junior College in 1954 by Mr. and Mrs. Clark C. Glaze. The scholarship is intended to assist both Pre-Engineering and Pre-Med students

Clark G. Glaze Scholarship (Pre-engineering Portion)

This scholarship was established through the St. Joseph Junior College in 1954 by Mr. and Mrs. Clark C. Glaze. The scholarship is intended to assist both Pre-Engineering and Pre-Med students

Clayton J. Thomas Memorial Scholarship

Clayton J. Thomas attended the St. Joseph Junior College from 1938-1940 where he met his wife, Jerene Snuffer. Thomas was a Chief Scientist of the Air Force Studies and Analyses Agency, the Pentagon, Washington, D.C. His analytical advisory input was key to formulating Air Force policy on validation, verification and accreditation matters. Mr. Thomas earned his Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics from the University of Chicago in 1942 and then enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Forces, where he served until his separation in 1945. He returned to the University of Chicago and earned a Master of Science Degree in Mathematics in 1947. He was a teaching assistance during his time at University of Chicago and an instructor at Roosevelt College in Chicago. He then joined the Institute of Air Weapons Research at the University of Chicago in 1947. From 1955 to 1998, Thomas implemented applications of operations research methodology and computer simulation models to varied problems of strategic and tactical force structure, airlift, weapons systems evaluation and weapons testing in the Air Force Office of Operational Analysis and Air Force Studies and Analyses. Thomas passed away on March 16, 2000 in Great Falls, VA. Applicants must be declared majors in Mathematics or related science courses, preferable Computer Science. Students must have a minimum of 60 hours.

Clifford Hughes '55 Scholarship

The Missouri Western State University Black Alumni Network was established in 2015 with a mission to conduct outreach while creating opportunities to engage Black alumni and the current Black undergraduate students. To recognize and celebrate the contributions of trailblazers who created a path for college success, the Clifford Hughes '55 Scholarship was established. This scholarship honors the life and legacy of the first Black graduate of the institution. Mr. Hughes was a native of St. Joseph Missouri and worked in the retail industry for more than thirty years. Applicants must be a member of the Black Student Union who have completed at least 30 credit hours.

CliftonLarsonAllen Accounting Scholarship

The Sanders, Mogg and Associates scholarship was established in February 1993 by Sanders, Mogg and Associates which later changed their name to Clifton Gunderson, L.L.C. and now CliftonLarsonAllen. Recipients must be full-time, junior or senior level students majoring in Accounting. Involvement in campus and community activities is a consideration with preference given to students who are United States citizens.

Connie Griffith Wollenman Scientist Scholarship

Connie Wollenman's initial career path was a medical technologist/clinical scientist. Bob and Connie Wollenman's wish was to create this scholarship to support students pursuing this important field and ease their financial burden. Applicants must be full-time students in good academic standing with a declared Medical Laboratory Science major.

Constance Fauntleroy Runcie Scholarship

The Runcie Club established this scholarship in honor of Constance Fauntleroy Runcie who organized the first Literary club in St. Joseph in October 2, 1894. Applicants should be a junior Arts/Humanities, Science field, Education or Computer (not Math) major.

Corinne Hancock Memorial Scholarship

Corinne Lovett Hancock was a 1943 St. Joseph Junior College graduate who lived in Stamford, CT. At her time of death she left Missouri Western State College in her will at an amount exceeding $1 million, which eventually designated this scholarship in her name. Preference is given to single parents.

Culver-Gettys Memorial Scholarship

Helen Gettys, retired Education professor, established this scholarship for degree seeking students who have completed a minimum of 28 hours. Preference is given to students planning a career in Education.

Dan D. De Kraai Scholarship

The Dan D. De Kraai Memorial Fund was established in Dan's name by his family shortly after his death on September 15, 2010. Dan loved his family as well as his career. After graduating from the Academy, Dan came back to be an instructor in Physical Training. Candidates for the De Kraai scholarship must be attending the Law Enforcement Academy and demonstrate qualities of leadership, either in school or community activities. The athletic achievement of candidates will be considered, however, is not a determining factor.

Donald P. and Diane J. Coleman Scholarship in Construction Management

Don and Diane Coleman and Coleman Industrial Construction established this scholarship in 2007 to encourage the entry of qualified students into careers in construction management. Awards are made to full-time, junior or senior level students in good standing. Preference will be given to applicants with a desire to become a Construction Project Manager and applicants with extensive travel experience over candidates with less travel experience. Applicants should submit documentation of career goals and aspirations. Scholarship is renewable if eligibility requirements are met.

Doris C. and Earle R. Dawson Scholarship

The Dawson family established this scholarship for nontraditional students with preference being given to students continuing their education after raising their children.

Dr. Algalee Pool Adams Elementary Education Scholarship

This scholarship was established by an estate gift from Algalee Pool Adams for Elementary Education majors.

Dr. and Mrs. Wallace McDonald Nursing Scholarship

This scholarship was established on 1991 by the family of Rose Hirsch in appreciation of the wonderful care Dr. Wallace McDonald gave during her lifetime. Recipients should be junior or senior level Nursing majors.

Dr. Frances Flanagan Book Award

Dr. Frances Flanagan established this scholarship in 2000. She graduated from the St. Joseph Junior College in 1935. She then went on to earn her bachelor's degree from Mount St. Scholastica College in Atchison, Kansas, and her master's and doctorate from the University of Iowa in Iowa City, Iowa. Before joining the St. Joseph Junior College faculty in 1963, Dr. Flanagan taught elementary for the St. Joseph School District. She taught English at the Junior College and Missouri Western, serving for six years as department chair. Applicants must have be a declared English or Journalism major or minor and have successfully completed 60 hours and who are involved in departmental and/or institutional/community activities.

Dr. Gilbert Kelley Pre-Med Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the MWSC Foundation in honor of Dr. Gilbert "Gib" Kelley who served on the Foundation Board from 1994 until his passing in 2000. Dr. Kelley was a practicing doctor at the Andrew County Clinic in Savannah, MO for more than 50 years. Recipients should be sophomore, junior or senior level students preparing to attend medical school.

Dr. H.E. Petersen Pre-Med Scholarship

The family of Dr. H.E. Petersen established this scholarship in honor of him in October 1990 to assist Pre-Med students.

Dr. James V. Mehl Scholarship

Dr. Mehl was a long-time faculty member and Chair of the Department of Communication Studies, Theatre and Humanities. The James Mehl Outstanding Faculty Scholar Award was established after his passing in 1998, and his wife Jan subsequently contributed to the fund. Applicants must be from an underserved or minority population.

Dr. Janet Murphy McCarthy Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Janet Murphy McCarthy was a tireless advocate for Missouri Western and was beloved by many. This scholarship is being established at Missouri Western with a lead gift from her very close friend, Shirley Bradley. It is to honor her memory as a steadfast advocate for higher education for all. The Dr. Janet Murphy McCarthy Memorial Scholarship will be endowed so her legacy can live on in perpetuity through the lives of the student recipients. Students must be full-time in good standing.

Dr. Joe and wife Gladys Friedman and Joseph J Droher Scholarship

Dr. Joseph (St. Joseph Junior Class of 1939) and his wife, Gladys, named this scholarship in honor of Joseph J. Droher, Dr. Friedman's cousin. Joseph Droher graduated from the St. Joseph Junior college in 1941 and earned a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering degree from the University of Missouri at Columbia in 1943. Recipients must be full-time, sophomore, junior or senior level students in good standing who have been admitted into the Nursing program. Preference given to students with a documented interest in hospice or elder care.

Dr. Joseph and Gladys Friedman History Scholarship

Dr. Joseph Friedman established this scholarship in 2014. Dr. Friedman is a 1939 graduate of St. Joseph Junior College, which later became Missouri State University. He has been a generous supporter of Missouri Western for many years, and received an honorary Doctor of Humane letters degree from the University on December 14, 2013. His recent autobiography titled, "Vessel the Dreamer" spans a life lived fully, from a Depression-era childhood to the gut­ wrenching horrors of the Holocaust, becoming a successful doctor, and abandoning it all to follow his dream to Broadway. Dr. Friedman often spoke to Missouri Western students and allowed them to interview him about his experience while working with displaced Holocaust survivors following the liberation of the Nazi concentration camps. This is a "never ending" story that Dr. Friedman believes must be told to future generations. Applicants must be full-time, sophomore, junior or senior level students in good standing. Preference given to students with a documented interest in studying the Holocaust.

Dr. Keith R. Roberts Memorial Scholarship for the Advancement of Science

Friends and family of Dr. Keith R. Roberts established this scholarship for the advancement of science. Dr. Roberts served as Director of Research, Grants and Sponsored Programs at Missouri Western. Before that, he was a research administrator at Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences and a professor of Biology at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Recipient must be full-time students in good standing who have declared a major in a field of natural science (Biology, Chemistry, or Physics), Pre-professional majors are not eligible. Preference will be given to students engaged in undergraduate, natural sciences research or with interest in seeking a graduate degree in natural sciences. The scholarship is renewable if the eligibility requirements are met.

Dr. Leo Galloway Biology Scholarship

Michael McKenzie graduated from Missouri Western State University (formerly Missouri Western State College) in 1977 with a bachelor's degree in Biology. He felt fortunate to be a student and life-long friend of the late Dr. Leo Galloway. It is his desire to establish this endowed scholarship to honor Dr. Galloway's memory as of November 2017. Dr. Galloway impacted the lives of many students during his tenure. Therefore, it is Mr. McKenzie's hope that Dr. Galloway's former students and colleagues will also contribute to this scholarship. Recipients must be full-time, Biology majors in good academic standing.

Dr. Leonard Archer Chemistry Scholarship

Dr. Archer played a vital role in bringing the Department of Chemistry to where it is today with a career that spanned 47 years. He witnessed the evolution of Missouri Western State University from its humble beginnings as the St. Joseph Junior College to a four-year institution offering graduate degree programs. Dr. Archer served as chair of the Department of Chemistry or 18 years. He initiated the Master of Applied Science degree in Chemistry - the first graduate degree program offered at Missouri Western State University. Dr. Archer continuously set the bar high for student's educational development in the science field which required extensive effort on his part as an educator. In addition to being a professor of Chemistry, he willingly chose to serve as a mentor inside and outside of the classroom. Students were at the very heart of what Dr. Archer loved most about teaching. This scholarship will assist students who wish to obtain their degree in Chemistry. Through this scholarship, the legacy created by Dr. Archer and his many years of service to Missouri Western will live on in perpetuity. Applicants must be a full-time undergraduate student who has declared a major in Chemistry and has completed at minimum of 30 credit hours.

Dr. Michael L. Schooley Elementary Education Scholarship

Dr. Michael L. Schooley established this scholarship in 2011 to assist a full-time, junior or senior level student in good standing. Preference is given to students who attended or whose parents attended the following schools in which Dr. Schooley was once an instructor or principal; Thomas Edison (St. Joseph) Humboldt Elementary School (St. Joseph), Rock Bridge (Columbia, MO), or Derby Ridge Elementary (Columbia, MO). If there are no applicants identified from one of the schools listed, then a declared Education major and classified as a junior or senior shall be given preference. The scholarship is renewable if eligibility requirements are met.

Dr. Solon Earl Haynes and Alberta Cross Haynes Teaching Scholarship

Mrs. Alberta Cross Haynes was an elementary teacher in rural Missouri in the 1920s. She taught in several one-room schools. She was a graduate of Central Missouri State University and a member of Kappa Delta Pi. Alberta was married to Solon Earl Haynes, MD. In 1968, her son, Solon Earl Haynes, Ed.D. served as a Professor in the Education Department at Missouri Western State College. Applicants must be a junior or senior level student with a declared major in Elementary Education who are eligible for membership in Kappa Delta Pi. Preference given to students from a rural background (hometown population of less than 2,500).

Dr. Wayne Toothaker Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was founded in 1965 with a gift in honor of Dr. Wayne Toothaker for student taking pre-medical courses and who are expected to enter a medical profession.

Dubach Scholarship for Humanitarian Service Careers

The Dubach family established this scholarship to award students with a planned career goal in Christian Ministry (including Sacred Music), Nursing or Special Education. A statement of the individual's planned career goals is required.

Duke Family Foundation Scholarship

Robert L. Duke wanted to establish this scholarship to memorialize his late wife of 48 years, Jeanne Duke, and his son, Robert "Robby" Duke. Robert's desire to help students who will eventually put their own lives on the line in service to our communities for nominal pay. Applicants must be full-time students in good academic standing with a declared Criminal Justice major. Preferences will be given to students who seek a degree in Law Enforcement.

Earl E. and Elmyra (Susie) J. Euler Memorial Scholarship

The estate of Earl and Elmyra Euler established this scholarship after their passing for students who graduated from Central High School in St. Joseph, MO.

Edward H. '62 and Janet K. Haffey Endowed Scholarship

The late Ed Haffey graduated from the St. Joseph Junior College in 1962. He practiced law for 35 years, primarily as a partner/shareholder of Anderson, Campbell and Laugesen, P.C. He served on the MWSU Foundation Board from 2011-2017 and was a member of the Clock Tower Society and received the Alumni Association's Distinguished Alumni Award in 2007. By establishing this scholarship, his beloved wife Jan is fulfilling Ed's wish to support MWSU students for years to come. Applicants must be full-time students in good academic standing who have completed at least 60 hours.

Edward M. Hirsch Pre-Med Scholarship

Edward M. (Eddie) Hirsch was an active participant in the community of St. Joseph, including Missouri Western State College. Eddie spoke fondly of his time at the St. Joseph Junior College staff and faculty like Nelle Blum, Edith Rhodes, Orrel Andrews and Radiance Zollinger. He was a charter and life member of the Missouri Western State College Alumni Associate and was honored with the Distinguished Alumni Award in 1991. Eddie provided generous support though this scholarship, providing funds for academic equipment, and through projects such as the Biology Field Station and for construction of a bridge which allows for safe crossing to the biology nature trail and sanctuary. This bridge was named "Eddies Bridge". This fund was established by the friends and family of Eddie in honor of his 85th birthday for Pre-Med students.

Edwin and MayBelle McDonald Scholarship

Edwin McDonald was born in St. Joseph, attended Humbolt Elementary School, Central High School and former St. Joseph Junior College. He worked over 50 years at the News-Press/Gazette before retiring in 1979. He and his wife MayBelle's estate established this scholarship for Fine Arts students.

Elliott Goldman & Libbie Loraine Goldman Scholarship

This scholarship was established in October, 1980 by Elliott Goldman and Libbie Loraine Goldman to assist full-time students who reside in Buchanan County, Missouri. Preference will be given to Junior and Senior students who plan a career in the legal profession and who plan to apply for admission to law school, and students in any year majoring in Art or Business Administration. However, any student who has shown leadership abilities, academic excellence and financial need may apply.

Ellis Foundation Scholarship

In partnership with the Ellis Foundation, MWSU offers scholarships for students who attend MWSU as selected by the Ellis Foundation.

Enid and Allen Lowenberg Education Scholarship

Enid and Allan Lowenberg established this scholarship in 2001. Allan attended the St. Joseph Junior College in 1969. Enid and Allan were very active with various arts, youth and social welfare organizations within the St. Joseph community. Applicants must be junior or senior Education majors and residents of St. Joseph and a graduate of any St. Joseph High School.

Enright Family Scholarship

Funding for this scholarship is provided by the W. Fairleigh Enright Charitable Trust on an annual grant basis. This scholarship aims to assist nontraditional (25 years or older), degree-seeking students.

Ensworth Medical Education Scholarship Fund

The Ensworth Hospital and Medical Education Fund established this scholarship in 2012 to assist students attending schools of medicine. Students must have completed a minimum of 60 credit hours at MWSU and received a degree from MWSU. A letter of acceptance from an accredited school of medicine is required.

Esson Scholarship (Liberal Arts)

The Esson family established this scholarship to assist full-time students in both Liberal Arts and Nursing. The award will be given to one junior and one senior level student, divided equally between a male and female. Juniors are eligible for renewal for this scholarship if the required GPA is maintained.

Esson Scholarship (Nursing)

The Esson family established this scholarship to assist full-time students in both Liberal Arts and Nursing. The award will be given to one junior and one senior level student, divided equally between a male and female. Juniors are eligible for renewal for this scholarship if the required GPA is maintained.

Eugene and Peggy Juda Family Scholarship for Nontraditional Students

This scholarship is awarded to nontraditional students with demonstrated need with preference being given to seniors.

Eula W. Popplewell Scholarship

The Eula W. Popplewell scholarship was established by her estate after her passing in 1993. Eula was the wife of Frank Popplewell, a former instructor at the St. Joseph Junior College. Applicants should be freshmen who have declared a pre-major of Elementary Education.

F. Gregg Thompson Memorial Scholarship

The F. Gregg Thompson Foundation established this scholarship with preference given to a student in the pre-medical field. If a pre-medical student is not available, a biological science student may be selected.

First Ladies' Legacy Scholarship

Drs. Bob and Laurel Vartabedian established this scholarship named the "First Ladies' Legacy Scholarship" in memory of First Ladies Dorsey Looney and Lauren Scanlon in 2015. This scholarship memorializes and recognizes Dorsey and Lauren's contributions to Missouri Western during their time as First Ladies of the university and assists Nontraditional students. Recipients must be nontraditional students, 25 years or older, in good standing.

Florence Smith/AAUW Scholarship

Florence LaTurno Smith graduated from Missouri University, the second woman in the United States to graduate from a School of Journalism. In 2000, the St. Joseph Branch American Association of University Women established the Florence Smith/AAUW Scholarship fund in perpetuity. Recipients must be junior or senior women from any degree program.

Flossie Neff Owens Trust Scholarship

The Optimist Club of St. Joseph established this scholarship in 1995 in honor of Flossie Neff-Owens. This scholarship was established to assist sophomores, juniors, or seniors majoring in Business and Economics. Students must reside in Andrew, Buchanan, Clinton, DeKalb, or Platte counties. All recipients will be required to attend the annual Scholarship Awards Ceremony at MWSU or an Optimist Meeting in order to receive the scholarship.

Francis and Marcelene Davis Memorial Scholarship (Athletic)

This scholarship was established by the estate of Marcelene Davis in 1994 to assist Convergent Journalism and Public Relations. Awards alternate between student athletes majoring in Convergent Journalism and Public Relations one year and Convergent Journalism and Public Relations majors the following year. Students who have completed at least 24 credit hours at Missouri Western State University and have a declared major in Convergent Journalism and Public Relations.

Francis and Marcelene Davis Memorial Scholarship (Communication)

This scholarship was established by the estate of Marcelene Davis in 1994 to assist Convergent Journalism and Public Relations. Awards alternate between student athletes majoring in Convergent Journalism and Public Relations one year and Convergent Journalism and Public Relations majors the following year. Students who have completed at least 24 credit hours at Missouri Western State University and have a declared major in Convergent Journalism and Public Relations.

Frank D. Thomas Memorial Scholarship

The scholarship was initiated by the DeKoster/Thomas family to honor the life and legacy of Frank D. Thomas. A beloved and respected music educator, Thomas served as professor and mentor to hundreds of students for nearly four decades at Missouri Western. He could see possibility in students where others might not, and insisted on excellence where others might have thought it impossible. He was ready to point out areas for improvement, willing to demonstrate and explain how to improve, and quick to compliment and celebrate when improvements were made. He modeled for his students what it means to give one's all to the teaching profession. His commitment to his students and to choral music will remain in perpetuity through this endowed scholarship. Recipients must be full-time, sophomore or higher level students in good academic standing. They must be a Choral Music student who intends to teach or, if an applicant has not previously been accepted into the Choral Music Program, a music department audition may be required.

Frank R. Smith Memorial Scholarship

The Frank R. Smith Memorial Scholarship was established in 1980 by friends of Frank as a memorial to him upon his death. Mr. Smith served as Director of Public Relations and Publications and retired from MWSC in 1979. Preference will be given to satisfactory scholastic standing students with an interest in Communication and Journalism; however, the scholarships will not be limited to these academic fields.

Gary A. Dyer, M.D. and Eileen Meehan Dyer, BSN, RN Biology Scholarship

The scholarship was initiated in 2020 by Eileen Meehan Dyer in 2019 in memory of her late husband, Gary A. Dyer M.D., FAAD. Though neither attended Missouri Western, both Eileen and Gary had successful careers in medicine that they credit to their education in the sciences; Gary was first a high school biology teacher, then earned his M.D., and completed his residency in Dermatology. He was board certified in Dermatology and Dermatopathology. Eileen received her B.S.N, then R.N. Together, they operated a successful de1matology practice in St. Joseph Missouri for 34 years until Gary's passing in 2008. Eileen has offered her gift as an expression of their affinity for education in hopes that the scholarship will provide oppo1tunity and encouragement to students seeking higher education in the sciences, particularly Biology. Recipient must be full-time undergraduate students in good academic standing who have declared a major in Biology.

George and Mary Annigan Music Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the estate of Anahed Mary McAndrews, who named the scholarship in honor of her parents for students with the Department of Music. Preference is given to Vocal Study students.

George M. Ashworth Memorial Scholarship

Recipients of this scholarship established by the Ashworth family shall be a sophomore, junior or senior Elementary Education majors or a Secondary Education majors planning to teach Middle School.

Gerald L. Zweerink Chemistry Scholarship

Mr. Gerald Zweerink was Missouri Western's first Physical Chemistry faculty member. He served Missouri Western for 37 years. Members of the Chemistry Department established this scholarship in his honor in 2010. Applicants must be a junior or senior level student majoring in Chemistry. Preference given to students enrolled in Physical Chemistry.

Gina Welsch Compton Memorial Scholarship

Gina Welsch was a graduate of Bishop LeBlond High School in 1971. Gina returned to college 10 years after high school and graduated from Missouri Western State College in 1985. Following college, Gina worked as a revenue agent for the IRS. Recipients must be a full-time nontraditional student and must have minor children (17 years of age or younger) residing at home.

Gladys and Joe Friedman Memorial Voice Scholarship

Dr. Joseph Friedman designated this scholarship in honor of his wife, Gladys to assist sophomore, junior or senior students who are declared Music majors. Student should be enrolled in voice lessons.

Gladys Bottorff Nursing Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 1996 in memorial of Gladys Bottorff who worked as a clinical nursing instructor at Missouri Methodist Hospital. Recipients must be a Nursing major.

Glenn and Anita Miller Nursing Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 2007 by the estate of Glenn A. and Anita M. Miller and their daughter, Julie Warren, to honor her parents and the nurses whose care allowed her parents to remain in their home until their passing. This scholarship was established to assist full-time students accepted into the MWSU Nursing program who have declared Nursing as their major. Preference is given to students with an special interest in Geriatrics or Pulmonary Illness. This scholarship is renewable if eligibility requirements are met.

Goppert Scholarship

The Goppert Foundation established this scholarship for full-time students in good academic standing with preference given to applicants who reside in the Lathrop, Holt, Lawson, Norborne and Richmond areas of Missouri. The scholarship is renewable for up to four years, if eligibility requirements are met.

H.A.L.E. Scholarship

The Helping Adult Learners Excel (H.A.L.E.) Scholarship's mission is to make a difference in the lives of low-income students by empowering them through education. This scholarship is in honor of Debby (Hale) Perry by her daughter Heather (Perry) Richmond (Class of 1998). Debbie was a Nontraditional student, single mother, and first-generation graduate earning her degree from Missouri Western in 1982. Debby proved that with determination and support, anything was possible - even graduating college when she was 30 years old with a 7-year-old daughter! This scholarship honors the Hale family name by giving others the opportunity to make a difference in their own lives and the community. Applicants must be in good academic standing. Preference will be given, in the following order to: 1) a single parent, 2) a nontraditional student, 3) a first-generation college student.

Harold "Pete" and Betty Burchett ROTC Scholarship

Harold "Pete" Burchett retired from the U.S. Army after 20 years of dedicated service. Pete has established this scholarship as a way to give back and to support current cadets participating in the ROTC program in conjunction with the pursuit of their degree at Missouri Western State University. The scholarship also recognizes Betty Burchett, Pete's loving wife of 62 years who passed away in April 2015. Recipients must be full-time students in good standing who are a participating cadet in the Army ROTC program. Preference is given to applicants who completed Junior ROTC in St. Joseph, Missouri.

Harriette Schulz Memorial Social Work Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 2014 in honor of Harriette Schultz by her friends and family for full-time students in good standing who are Social Work majors. Must demonstrate a social commitment to others in need through previous volunteer activities or other related humanitarian efforts. The scholarship is renewable if eligibility requirements are met.

Hausman Family Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 2009 by members of the Hausman family for full-time student in good standing. Preference given to students majoring in Education, Business, Construction Engineering or Nursing and must provide evidence of community service. The scholarship is renewable if eligibility requirements are met.

Hayes Bagnall Literacy Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 2000 by Norma Hayes Bagnall, a former professor of English as MWSU. Applicants can be undergraduate or graduate Education majors. Preference is given to students who are working as a mentor or tutor in a Title 1 school or students who are Elementary Education majors with a concentration in Special Reading or English Language Learners.

Helen A. Rhyner Memorial Scholarship

Helen Rhyner was born in St. Joseph, Missouri to a loving Italian American family and lived all her days in this community. She married and together with her husband, raised her five children in St. Joseph. Helen herself did not have the opportunity to attend college, but she always valued and supported high education. This scholarship has been established to honor her memory, her commitment to education and the community she loved. Applicants must be full-time students in good academic standing who have graduated from a school located in St. Joseph. Preference will be given to incoming freshmen who have graduated from Bishop LeBlond High School in St. Joseph.

Helen C. Gettys Education Scholarship

Helen C. Gettys was a profession emeritus in the Department of Education. This scholarship was established by her estate for students who have been formally admitted into the Education Department.

Helen Trapp Piano Scholarship

The family and friends of Helen D. Trapp established this scholarship in her honor in 1993. Helen was a piano teach in St. Joseph for over 40 years. Recipients of this scholarship should be declared Music majors with a performance emphasis in piano.

Herb Iffert Business Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the estate of Herb and Peggy Iffert. Herb was a 1935 graduate of the St. Joseph Junior College. Herb held numerous community positions, including treasurer of the Historical Society, treasurer of the St. Joseph Symphony and treasurer of the St. Joseph Performing Arts Association. He served on the board of Midwest Savings and Loan, president of the Alumni Board and treasurer of the Missouri Western State College Foundation Board. The Alumni Association named the Herb '35 and Peggy Iffert Award for Outstanding Service to the University award after the Ifferts and their service to the University. This scholarship was established to assist Business and Economics majors.

Herbert C. Iffert Business Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 2000 by Herbert C. and Peggy C. Iffert. Herbert C. Iffert was a graduate of the St. Joseph Junior College and the University of Kansas, where he earned a BS in Accounting. Herb served in the US Coast Guard during WWII and served with the reserves until he retired with the rank of Captain. He retired from the St. Joseph Light & Power Co. with an excess of 40 years of service. Herb served as the Vice President of Finance at the time of his retirement. Applicants must be full-time junior or senior level students who demonstrate a serious interest in seeking a degree in Business, preferably Accounting. Involvement in campus and community activities shall be a consideration.

Herbert E. Owen Scholarship Fund (Biology)

The estate of Herbert Owens established this scholarship to assist students majoring in both the areas of Biology and Business and Economics.

Herbert E. Owen Scholarship Fund (Craig School of Business)

The estate of Herbert Owens established this scholarship to assist students majoring in both the areas of Biology and Business and Economics.

Herzog Workforce Development Scholarship

Herzog Contracting Corp. is a leading rail and heavy/highway contractor with locations across North America. William E. "Bill" Herzog founded Herzog Contracting Corp., an asphalt paving company in St. Joseph, Missouri in 1969. In 2024, Herzog Contracting Corp. operates through a network of regional and project offices with more than 2,700 employees across North America. Recipients must be in good academic standing enrolled in a two- or four-year degree, specialized credential, or certificate program at MWSU which uses the Houlne Center for Convergent Technology. This includes, but is not limited to Construction Engineering Technology students, Manufacturing Engineering Technology students, or Cybersecurity students. This scholarship is renewable if eligibility requirements are met.

Hilda and Harry Drake Scholarship

This fund was established in 1983 with a gift from John T. Drake, given in memory of his parents Hilda and Harry Drake. John attended St. Joseph Junior College in 1940 and 1941. It was his wish to honor his parents by investing in students at Missouri Western who are in good academic standing.

Hiller Family Scholarship

The Hiller Family Foundation established this scholarship in 2003 and then permanently endowed it in 2014 for full- or part-time students in good standing with a minimum course load of 9 credit hours per semester. Preference given to nontraditional students who are age 25 years or older and are entering college for the first time or last attended college three or more years ago and have completed fewer than 30 credit hours; The scholarship will be open to all students, if a qualified candidate is not identified in the pool of nontraditional applicants.

Hillyard Chemistry Scholarship

The Hillyard Companies established this scholarship in 1990. Recipients must be junior or senior Chemistry majors who demonstrate academic achievement in the area of Chemistry.

Hillyard Technical School/MWSU Match

Three scholarships are awarded each year to graduates of Hillyard Technical Center who decide to attend MWSU.

Institute of Internal Auditors Scholarship

The Kansas City Chapter of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) serves the Kansas City Metro Area. The IIA is the internal audit profession's global voice, recognized authority, acknowledged leader, chief advocate, and principal educator. Generally, members work in internal auditing, risk management, governance, internal control, information technology audit, education, and security. Applicants must be full-time students in good academic standing who are classified as a junior or senior.

Irene Ertman Memorial Travel Award

This award was established by Tau Mu Chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, international English honor society, in memory of charter member and deceased colleague, Irene Ertman who passed away in 1978 to help cover expenses related to members presenting their papers.

J.B. Bruce Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established by Alice Bruce in honor of her husband John B. Bruce who attended the St. Joseph Junior College and held a Ph. D. in Chemistry. Recipients of this scholarship shall be Chemistry majors.

Jack and Frieda Zurow Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 1999 by Jack and Freida Zurow for sophomore, junior or senior level students. Preference will be given to students majoring in a service field including but not limited to the following majors; Nursing, Social Work, Physical Therapy, Education (or a subject major leading to a teaching career), and Criminal Justice.

James Allen and Mary Caroline Stout Business Leader Memorial Fund

James Allen and Mary Caroline Stout were the grandparents of Rho Upsilon Chapter Co-Founder Mike Ebbing. Mike and his family established this scholarship to honor them after they passed, as they were the example, he followed in establishing a chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi at MWSU. They believed in many of the core beliefs of the fraternity without even having been able to obtain more than a high school education. It was their example that led Mike to find an organization that focuses on creating ethical business leaders to carry their torch on which led to the birth of Rho Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi at MWSU. In addition to their elevator and feed mill operations, at various points they owned a restaurant, a feed store and operated a gas station and often helped other entrepreneurs in their area starting other businesses at the risk of their own business. Many of those businesses they helped still exist today almost a hundred years later. Recipients must be full-time, junior or senior level students in good academic standing who are Business majors and are active members of Rho Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi.

James Robert Hayes Criminal Justice Scholarship

James Robert "Bob" Hayes attended the St. Joseph Junior College. In 1968 he became the Director of Security at Missouri Western State College. In 1973 he became an Assistant Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice and held that position until he was appointed Missouri Western Chief of Police on August 1, 1978. Recipients must be junior or senior level Criminal Justice majors.

James W Supple Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established by Janice Supple in memory of James W. Supple for full-time students. Students must belong to a union or be the immediate family member of a union member.

Jane and Lyman Frick English Scholarship

This scholarship was established by Dr. Jane and Lyman Frick. Dr. Frick was a Professor at Missouri Western State University for many years. Recipients must be a graduate student enrolled in the Master of Arts in Teaching program.

Janet Gorman Murphy/Catherine Hennessey Gorman Teaching Scholarship

The Janet Gorman Murphy/Catherine Hennessey Gorman Teaching Scholarship was established in January 1987 by Mrs. Monya Rositzky. Applicants must be junior or senior declared majors in Education.

Jennifer A. George Scholarship

James and Joyce George established this scholarship in 2000 in honor of Jennifer A. George. Applicants should be either a junior or senior English major with an emphasis in Technical Communication or minoring in Journalism.

Jerene E. Thomas Memorial Scholarship

The children and grandchildren of Jerene E. (Snuffer) Thomas established this scholarship in memory of Jerene E. Thomas, who passed away May 11, 2017. Her remarkable life included more than seven decades of volunteer work, beginning as a Brownie Scout leader and continuing with a variety of organizations. Thomas was born April 5, 1921 in Amity, Missouri and spent her early years in St. Joseph. She met her husband, Clayton James Thomas, in 1939 at the St. Joseph Junior College (which later became MWSU) and they were married in 1942. Recipients must be full-time students in good standing. Preference is given to students majoring in International Studies but also gives consideration to international students majoring in one of the following; English, History, Art, Theatre, Cinema or Dance or International students who are classified as at least the junior level.

Jerry and Joanne Anderson Memorial Scholarship

Jerry L. and M. Joanne Anderson spent their lives learning and teaching others. They came to St. Joseph in 1972 for Jerry to pursue his love of music as a Professor of Keyboard Studies in the MWSU Music Department. Joanne began teaching English at Central High School. While in St. Joseph, they were actively involved in the community. Jerry was instrumental in organizing the Missouri Music Teachers Association to unite music teachers all over the state, bringing the music fraternity Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia to MWSU, as well as the St. Joseph chapter of the American Guild of Organists. Joanne was active both at Central High School and at MWSU. She developed and facilitated a club based on her love of films, volunteered with the Arts Council at MWSU and was instrumental in helping in many ways with the Trails West! Festival. The Andersons always put others before themselves. This scholarship is intended to continue their love for both education and helping others at Missouri Western. It is our hope that the recipients pass on their excitement about learning and Missouri Western to others, as well. Applicants must be full-time students in good academic standing who have declared Education as their major with first preference given to a Music Education major.

Jody S. Bauman Memorial Scholarship

The Jody S. Bauman scholarship was established by her parents, Jerry and Susan Bauman, family and friends in honor of her memory. Jody was a Missouri Western student who lost her life in a car crash in March 1996. Recipients shall be Nursing majors with preference being give to students who are not able to get Financial Aid or other scholarship assistance. The scholarship is renewable if eligibility requirements are met.

Joe Gray Memorial Scholarship

The family of Joe Gray is honoring his memory by establishing this scholarship to benefit students in the Engineering Technology Program at Missouri Western. Joe attended Christian Brothers High School and worked his way through college, graduating from the first aeronautical engineering class at University of Kansas in 1944. Joining the United States Navy, he was sent to Johns Hopkins University for his Masters work in Engineering. Following this Joe went to work for General Toftoy at the Bureau of Ordinance in Annapolis, Maryland. While in the navy, he was assigned to the development of rockets and air-breathing jet propulsion guided missiles in the Mojave Desert. In 1952 Joe decided to come back to St. Joseph and join his father in business. Together, Joe and his father designed the BF-100, a pneumatic bumper jack. This was the beginning of Gray Manufacturing Co. Inc., which was incorporated on April 15, 1952. For the next 70 years Joe led and grew a family business that he was always proud of and truly considered to be his family. Gray Manufacturing continues today under fourth generation family leadership and employment. Joe believed that it was important to serve and give back to the community in which he lived and his business operated. He and his wife Anne valued education and sponsored numerous MWSU students with scholarships and financial support. He was a strong supporter of Missouri Western State University and received an Honorary Degree in Humane Letters in December 2011. Applicants must be full-time students in good academic standing who are a declared major of a program in the Department of Engineering Technology. Preference will be given to a student majoring in Manufacturing Engineering.

John A. and Gertrude F. Latosi Nursing Scholarship

Lt. Col. Mary Ann Latosi Jernigan and Dr. Elizabeth Latosi-Sawin established this award in memory of their parents. Gertrude F. Latosi was a registered nurse for 41 years, known for her compassionate care of patients. John A. Latosi was a life-insurance underwriter who took to heart the actual needs of his clients as he helped them to prepare their estates. Recipients must be entering into their 3rd semester of the Nursing program.

John and Mary Veoski Scholarship

The Veoski Family Trust established this scholarship in 2006 after their passing for needy students coming from families at or below the federally established poverty level, family size is considered.

John J. Little Memorial Athletic Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the family and friends in memory of John J. Little to assist senior or 5th-year student-athletes who participate in the men's or women's MWSU Basketball program.

John Rushin and David Ashley Biology Scholarship

Simon and Monya Rositzky established this scholarship in honor of Biology faculty members John Rushin and David Ashley in 1991. Applicants must be majoring in Speech. Recipients must have a minimum sophomore classification and be a declared Biology major with interests in Field Biology.

John S. and Helen Freda Creal Education Scholarship

Helen Freda Creal was a 1957 graduate of the St. Joseph Junior College. She was a nontraditional Education major who taught mainly second grade at Lindberg and Humbolt Elementary schools for over 20 years. Applicants must be full-time, nontraditional students majoring in Education.

John Sublett Logan Business Fellowship

This grant is made possible by with funding from the John Sublett Logan Foundation to assist Missouri Western graduates in obtaining a graduate degree in Business, Law, Accounting, or Economics.

John Sublett Logan Business Scholarship for Undergraduate Students

This scholarship is made possible by a grant from the John Sublett Logan Foundation. To assist Business, Legal Studies, Accounting, or Economics majors. Students must be full-time and have completed at least 60 college credit hours. Students must reside in Buchanan, Platte, Andrew, Clay, or Clinton counties in Missouri and demonstrated participation in community service activities. This scholarship is renewable if eligibility requirements are met.

John Yancey Biology Award

Mr. John Yancey taught at the St. Joseph Junior College. He was chairperson of the department and taught Botany and Micro-Biology. When Mr. Yancey passed away, his students initiated the John Yancey Biology award, which is given to a Senior Biology major in good academic standing.

Jordan Swearngin Memorial Scholarship

In 2016, the Jordan Swearngin Memorial Scholarship was established in memory of Jordan Brenna Swearngin. Although Jordan passed away on September 6, 2015, she earned her posthumous degree in Physical Education from Missouri Western State University on May 7, 2016. Her parents, Nick and Jennie, accepted her diploma at commencement that day. Jordan's goal was to work in cardiac rehabilitation at a hospital. She loved Jesus, life, and people. Her kind, loving heart, free spirit, and upbeat personality could change anyone's bad day into a positive one. Jordan loved children and dreamed of working at an orphanage in an underprivileged country. She also enjoyed raising money for Hope House, a shelter for victims of domestic violence. Jordan was a valued employee of Cabana in St. Joseph. Cabana established this scholarship in her memory to help other students pursue their goals with the same passion as Jordan. The applicant must be a full-time student in good academic standing. First preference is given to current employees of Cabana in St. Joseph, MO and if no current employees have qualified, preference will be given to students who have an intended or declared major in Physical Education with an emphasis in Health and Exercise Science.

Joseph & Minnie Doherty Scholarship

The Doherty family established this scholarship in honor of their parents to assist students who have demonstrated good moral character. Preference will be given to junior or senior students in good standing who are majoring in English. The scholarship is renewable for a second year upon evidence of satisfactory academic progress.

Joseph J. Droher Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 2000 by Dr. Joseph Friedman and his wife Gladys in honor of his cousin, Joseph Droher. Mr. Droher graduated from the St. Joseph Junior College in May 1941. Recipients must be a major or have an interest in the Engineering department.

Judith Hausman Textbook Award

This scholarship was established in 1993 by Judith Hausman to assist junior or senior level Accounting majors.

$350 award amount each year.

Judy and Gene Skoch Education Scholarship

The Skoch's believe that Knowledge is Power. All of their children were provided excellent educations and now the same process is happening for their grandchildren. While neither of them graduated from MWSU, they firmly believe the success of our world depends on our youth being educated and even more important that education is the fundamental right of each child. It is their hope that their scholarship will allow a few young women and men to prepare themselves to be the teachers of the children of tomorrow. Recipients must be a full-time student in good academic standing who have declared their major in Education. Preference will be given in the following order to an applicant who, 1) previously received this scholarship and has continued to meet the criteria, 2) has graduated from a Kansas or Missouri high school.

Justice for All Scholarship

This scholarship was created by David Tushaus, Joanne Katz and Suzanne Kissock to encourage students to engage in public service legal work during their academic career. The scholarship funds may help students with tuition or the expenses connected with a study away service learning opportunity. The long-term goal is to encourage students to become professionals who will make public service a part of their career. Applicants must be enrolled full-time and in good academic standing. Students must demonstrate an interest in access to justice by working, volunteering or interning at a public service justice organization here or abroad, or stated the intent to do so while in school (e.g., completed an internship or practicum, or planned to do an internship or practicum, at an organization dedicated to access to justice like legal aid, the public defender or possibly a prosecuting attorney’s office) and be interested in working to advance legal access to justice. Preference will be given to applicants who have filed a major/minor form for Legal Studies, students with a minimum GPA of 3.0 and applicants who submit at least one reference letter.

Kappa Delta Pi Scholarship

Alberta Cross Haynes and the Kappa Delta Pi Educational Society established this scholarship in 1992. Two scholarships are to be awarded annually, one each to outstanding juniors in Elementary Education and Secondary Education. Recipient must be qualified for admission to the Kappa Delta Pi Education Society.

Karl V. Bell Alpha Phi Alpha Scholarship Fund

This scholarship was initiated by members of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity in 2011 for full-time students in good standing who have completed at least 30 credit hours and who are members of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. The scholarship is renewable if eligibility requirements are met.

Keener Foundation Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the Robert W. and Barbar J. Keener Foundation for full-time students. This scholarship renewable if all eligibility requirements are met.

Kelly Gentry Murphy Scholarship

This scholarship is for junior or senior level, Criminal Justice majors.

Kelsy Brown Cooper Beshears Scholarship

Mrs. Beshears was a well-known civil rights leader and St. Joseph Business woman. She owned and developed the Brookdale East Apartments in 1971. Missouri Western State College named a dorm after her in 1997. She was recognized by the NAACP and St. Joseph YWCA for a Humanitarian Award. Mrs. Beshears was a member of the Unity Church of Practical Christianity, the NAACP and the Woman's Democratic Club St. Joseph. She served as an alternate delegate to the 1968 and 1972 Democratic National Conventions and was the oldest delegate to attend the 1980 convention. She was a member of the League of Women Voters and the St. Joseph Equal Rights Commission. She was a former member and served as commissioner of both the Missouri Humanities Commission and Missouri House Development Corp. Friends and family of Kelsy established this scholarship in her honor in 2003 for nontraditional students who participate in community activities.

Kenneth R. Jameson and Marjorie C. Jameson Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 2017 by the estate of Kenneth and Marjorie Jameson. Kenneth Jameson loved golf. He retired from Hillyard Industries as traffic manager after 27 years of service and became a regular at St. Joseph's Fairview Golf Course. He wanted to give back to the community and help students in college. Applicants must be full-time in good academic standing. Preference is given to student-athletes on the MWSU Golf Team. If no student-athletes on the golf team qualify, students who have other financial need may be selected.

Kerford Family Education Scholarship

The Kerford family has always considered education a high priority. Several family members chose education as their life's work, totally almost 150 years. Three of them taught their entire careers in the St. Joseph School District. The intent of this scholarship is to provide assistance and encouragement to others who would choose this noble profession. Recipients must be a full-time, junior or senior level student in good standing who has declared a major in Education. Preference is given to graduates of Central High School and then to students graduating from any other St. Joseph, MO high school, including both public and private.

Kiefer Scholarship Fund

The Kiefer sisters established this scholarship for students who live in the St. Joseph, Missouri or Wathena, Kansas areas.

Lafayette-Humbolt Scholarship

Miss Charline S. McHugh was a music teacher at Humboldt School in St. Joseph for 32 years, retiring in 1972. The recipients of this scholarship should be declared majors in either Elementary Education or Music Education and must be a graduate of Lafayette High School with a recommendation from the Principal. Preference will be given to a student who also attended Humboldt Elementary School.

Larry L. Lambing Chemistry Scholarship

Larry and Virginia Lambing established this scholarship in 1997 for junior or senior level students who are Chemistry majors participating in research.

Law Enforcement Scholarship

The Law Enforcement scholarship was established to assist students attending the Missouri Western State University Regional Law Enforcement Academy. Preference is given to students demonstrating qualities of leadership. Character and integrity are also considered.

Leona M. Ebersold Memorial Teaching Scholarship

The Leona M. Ebersold Memorial Teaching Scholarship was established by Wallace and Margaret McDonald in honor of Leona M. Ebersold. Miss Ebersold was a graduate of Lafayette High School and the St. Joseph Junior College. Ebersold had a 38-year teaching career in Hold and Clinton Counties. In 1947, she joined the St. Joseph School District where she taught for the next 30 years. Miss Ebersold volunteered for the American Red Cross and Heartland Regional Medical Center and received various honors for her hours of service. Applicants must have an interest in pursuing a degree in Education/Teaching, preferably in the area of Elementary Education. Preference will be given to a student of junior or senior status.

Leroy Maxwell Memorial Scholarship

Mr. Maxwell served on the St. Joseph Police Department, was Chief juvenile officer, fifth Judicial Circuit Court, a criminal justice instructor at Washington University, An assistant professor and a member of the faculty senate at Missouri Western State College, chairman of the Department of Criminal Justice and Legal Studies at Missouri Western, Buchanan County Commissioner, Western District and a Council Member and First Deputy for the city of St. Joseph. Applicants must be Criminal Justice majors with an emphasis in Law Enforcement or Juvenile Delinquency with preference given to in-serve law enforcement officers or juvenile justice personnel.

Lingle Family Scholarship

This scholarship was established in August 1982 by members of the Lingle family for degree seeking students who are 25 years or older returning to school.

Lisa and Tim Bingaman Memorial Scholarship

The Bingaman family established this scholarship to be awarded to both male and female freshman each year who have interest in Business or Marketing. Recipients must be in the top 25% of their high school class and reside in Buchanan County.

Loah Stallard Graduate Nursing Scholarship

The Loah Stallard Graduate Nursing Scholarship was established by her husband, Donald J. Stallard, M.D., to honor Loah's work as director of the Social Welfare Board for 27 years. Loah earned a BSN from the University of lowa, Masters in Nursing from the University of Kansas, and Masters in Public Administration, Health Emphasis, from UMKC. In the mid-1960s, Loah organized and obtained funding for the first family planning clinic in St. Joseph. When on St. Joseph's Public Library Board, Loah worked hard to keep services in all the neighborhoods. Loah served on Heartland Hospital (Mosaic) Board, MWSU Foundation Board, and numerous community and state organizations' boards. Recipients must be accepted into the Master of Nursing program and be in good standing. Preference will be given to students from Buchanan County who wish to work with the underserved and underinsured population in a community health setting. Recipient shall be expected to complete an assignment focusing on the underserved population in at least one of the MSN courses and will be encouraged to explore an internship opportunity at the Social Welfare Board of Buchanan County in St. Joseph, Missouri

Logan Graduate Scholarship

This scholarship is made possible by a grant from the John Sublett Logan Foundation to assist graduate students. Students must have a bachelor's or master's degree from an accredited college or university and provide official transcripts of those degrees. Degree-seeking students admitted into the MWSU Masters program who have received a Bachelor's degree or a Master's dress from an accredited college or university. Individual programs may have additional requirements for admission such as higher GPA requirements, minimum graduate-level entrance exam scores, resume, letters of recommendation, personal statements, examples of representative work, or interview. Requirements specific to the program are given in the graduate program section of the University's Graduate Catalog and on each degree webpage.


Louise Bradley Art Scholarship

This fund was established by Louise Bradley to assist students with demonstrated talent in studio or aptitude in art history. Applicants must have proven work ethic and show scholarship achievement.

Lt. Kent M. Kiepe Memorial Scholarship

Lt. Kent Kiepe was a graduate of MWSC in 1985. Lt. Kiepe was a three-year member of the MWSC Golden Griffons baseball team and earned all-conference honors as a left fielder. This scholarship was established to assist students who have good citizenship and athletic achievement in any major.

M.O. Looney Community Service Scholarship

This funding was established in May, 1983, to honor Dr. M.O. Looney upon his retirement as President of Missouri Western State College for full-time students at the sophomore, junior or senior level displaying social maturity, personal presence, educational background, previous community and college involvement and demonstrated leadership. Applicants maybe nominated by faculty, administration, or appropriate and interested citizens or self-initiated.

Maria Honyi Memorial Scholarship for Cyber Security

This scholarship is established by Frank and Amanda Luzsicza to memorialize Frank's late mother Maria Honyi, a great supporter of higher education. As a Missouri Western alumnus, Frank had the opportunity to develop a career in cyber security as a direct consequence of the support, flexibility and academics offered at Missouri Western. Frank would like this scholarship to give some financial support to other students passionate about this field. This scholarship was established to assist full-time, declared Cyber Security majors in good academic standing. Preference given to applicants who demonstrate a financial hardship and to those who explain why they chose to pursue the Cyber Security major in their application.

Marian Mitchell Scholarship

Marian Mitchell, former Missouri Western professor emerita of business, established this scholarship to have a significant impact on the future of Missouri Western State College. Applicants must be a junior or senior level student. All majors except Physical Education are eligible. The scholarship is renewable for up to three semesters if eligibility requirements are met.

Marianne Fortney Memorial Nursing Scholarship

Marianne Fortney's family established this nursing scholarship in her memory after her unexpected passing in a car accident in June 2022. From a young age, Marianne always knew she wanted to be a nurse because of her desire and willingness to lend help to others in need. With this goal in mind, she graduated from Missouri Western State University with her Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing in December 2021. After graduation, she began her career as a registered nurse in the medical-surgical unit of North Kansas City Hospital (NKCH), in Kansas City, Missouri, where she thrived at the very thing she loved. In her short career at the NKCH, she was a caring and compassionate nurse who touched many lives. Marianne's family hopes to keep her memory forever in the hearts of dedicated, compassionate, caring, nursing students at Missouri Western State University through this scholarship. Her family desires these funds to assist those whose dream is to pursue nursing, but also to help society, to go above and beyond, and to be the face of someone who every nurse strives to be. Applicants must be full-time, undergraduate students in good academic standing who have been accepted into the Nursing Program.

Marsha Cooper Nursing Scholarship

The Marsha Cooper Nursing Scholarship was established in memory of Marsha Cooper, a former member of the faculty in the Department of Nursing. Applicants must be Nursing majors and show outstanding achievement.

Mary Byrne Stewart and Dr. Imogene Stewart Rigdon Nurse Educator Scholarship

This scholarship honors our mother. Mary E. Byrne Stewart, a pioneer nurse anesthetist at Sisters Hospital in St. Joseph, MO. Mary (8/18/1907 to 6/12/1962) was a daughter of prominent St. Joseph general practitioner and surgeon John lgnatius Byrne, M.O., and his wife Anna Byrne. Mary graduated from Cathedral Grade School and the Convent of the Sacred Heart in St. Joseph, and a nursing program in Chicago, IL. Early in her nursing career, she administered anesthesia for her father's patients at Sisters Hospital and for patients of oral surgeon Dr. Harold. Later on she was the office nurse for Dr. John Mothershead's practice. Applicants must be accepted into the Master of Nursing program and must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 hours per semester with the exception of internship hours.

Mary Partamian and Koocheck Bananshahi Scholarship

Established by Drs. Krikor and Kay Partamian in honor of their mothers, the scholarship is for a Pre-Med student resident of Buchanan County. Students in their sophomore year or above may apply.

Max W. and Emma Lee Grooms Athletic Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 1991 by the children of Max and Emma Lee Grooms to honor their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Grooms were dedicated to the athletic program at Missouri Western, being one of the first members of the Gold Coat organization. Recipient must be student athletes who have shown satisfactory academic progress. Preference is given to 5th-year student athletes.

McAtee Family Business Scholarship

This scholarship was established by Scott McAtee of Rochelle, Texas in May 2024. Recipient must be full-time Business majors in good academic standing. Preference is given to Accounting or Finance majors. If no Accounting or Finance majors qualify, second preference will be given to a Marketing majors.

Michael Sonnenmoser Memorial Scholarship

This memorial scholarship was established by Michael Sonnenmoser's parents, Rosemary and Joseph Sonnenmoser in 1984 for freshman Biology majors. The scholarship is renewable if GPA is maintained.

Mignon DeShon Ambassadors Scholarship

The Ambassadors established this fund in honor of former President, Mignon DeShon to benefit Full-time, nontraditional students in their second semester as freshman. The scholarship is renewable as long as GPA is maintained.

Mildred Gumm Scholarship

Mildred Heim Gumm graduated from St. Joseph Junior College in 1924 and got her B.A. from the University of Kansas in 1926. Applicants must be nontraditional, degree seeking students who are 25 years or older.

Military and Veterans Scholarship

This fund was established through a grant from the Harry and Helena Messick Charitable Trust in 2021 to cover tuition, books and/or housing not covered by the GI Bill to bridge the gap some veterans may be experiencing while paying for college.

Milton Litvak Memorial Scholarship

Milton Litvak was an attorney with the law firm of Utz, Litvak, Summers, Powers and Manring in St. Joseph, Missouri. Litvak also served as the Assistant City Attorney for the City of St. Joseph from 1946 to 1950. Milton attending the St. Joseph Junior College and the School of Law at the University of Missouri in Columbia, MO. He assisted in drafting the first municipal code in 1949 and served as a former member and Chairman of the St. Joseph Board of Police Commissioners appointed by Governor Phil Donnelly. Mr. Litvak was a member of the Missouri Western State College Foundation Board and received the Missouri Western State College Distinguished Alumni Award. Recipients of this scholarship shall be Pre-law and/or Government and Public Affairs majors at the sophomore, junior or senior level.

Missouri Boys State Scholarship

Up to five non-renewable scholarships are offered to first-time freshmen who are enrolled as full-time students and were citizens of the previous academic year at Missouri Boys State.

Missouri Girls State Scholarship

Up to five non-renewable scholarships are offered to first-time freshmen who are enrolled as full-time students and were citizens of the previous academic year at Missouri Girls State.

Missouri Methodist Nursing Scholarship

The Missouri Methodist Nursing Scholarship was established by Peggy Iffert and the Missouri Methodist Nursing class of 1942. Recipients must have completed a minimum of 30 credit hours with preference given to a diploma school graduate or an associate degree graduate.

Monya Rositzky Life Science Teaching Scholarship

Monya Rositzky was a long-time supporter of various programs that advance the intellectual development and professional skills of Missouri Western students. Applicants must be intended or declared major in a Biology Dept. teaching program and have a career interest in science (including Biology) teaching.

Mosaic/MWSU Nursing Scholarship

This scholarship was initiated by a partnership between the Heartland Health Foundation (now Mosaic Life Foundation) and Missouri Western in 1988 to provide nursing students with a broader scope of financial opportunities to assist them with educational costs. Applicants must be enrolled full-time in an accredited/approved Nursing program. Students must have completed a minimum of 12 college credits, including one lab science.

Murphy-Gehringer Family Scholarship

As a first generation college student, Deena Murphy came to MWSU in 1981 on a hope, a prayer and enough money for 1 year of tuition. She walked on the softball team as a freshman, but her talent as a 2nd baseman won her a scholarship her sophomore through senior years. It was that scholarship that allowed her to continue her education at MWSU. Her degree focus was in leisure management, but along the way, she fell in love with accounting. Too close to graduating to change majors, Deena took her remaining electives in accounting classes and decided that, after graduation, she would go on to get an accounting degree closer to home at University of Nebraska- Omaha. During her time at MWSU, Deena experienced tremendous success both on and off the field. She is a 2-time All-American second baseman and a member of the 1982 MWSU National Championship softball team. In 2008, Deena was inducted into the MWSU Athletics Hall of Fame. The most important life forming principle Deena learned at Missouri Western was that teamwork and hard work yield opportunity. She whole-headedly believes having a degree opened doors for her that led to having a fruitful career. She has created this scholarship to award that same opportunity to future generations of hardworking MWSU student-athletes. Deena established this scholarship in 2019 for undergraduate students giving preference to post-eligible student athletes from the MWSU Softball team. If no student athletes qualify, the scholarship may be given to any post-eligible female student athlete.

Nelle Blum Scholarship (Business)

Nelle Blum has born in Humbolt, Kansas and moved to St. Joseph, Missouri in 1920 from Lyndon, Kansas. A teacher for many years, Miss Blum taught at Central High School and was named Dean of the former St. Joseph Junior College in 1932. She served in that capacity for 26 years, retiring in 1958. This scholarship was established to assist both Education and Business and Economics majors. The scholarship is renewable if eligibility requirements are met.

Nelle Blum Scholarship (Education)

Nelle Blum has born in Humbolt, Kansas and moved to St. Joseph, Missouri in 1920 from Lyndon, Kansas. A teacher for many years, Miss Blum taught at Central High School and was named Dean of the former St. Joseph Junior College in 1932. She served in that capacity for 26 years, retiring in 1958. This scholarship was established to assist both Education and Business and Economics majors. The scholarship is renewable if eligibility requirements are met.

Nolen Morrison Memorial Student Fund

This fund was established in memory of Nolen Morrison, former Vice President of Student Affairs for unexpected and emergency expenses of students who cannot obtain financial aid.

Northland Chamber of Commerce

In partnership with the Northland Chamber of Commerce, MWSU offers scholarships for Kansas City Northland High School seniors who attend MWSU.

Noyes Home Academic Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 2006 by an anonymous trust to assist students who are current or past residents of the Noyes Home in St. Joseph, MO. Recipients must be undergraduate level, full-time students in good standing. This scholarship is renewable if eligibility requirements are met.

Opal Kearby Scholarship

The estate of Opal Kearby established this scholarship after her passing for Bachelor's degree seeking Liberal Arts students in good academic standing. Preference is given to students who reside in the district of Missouri Western State University.

Opal LaValle Steward Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 1993 by Norman H. Steward in honor of Opal LaVelle Steward. Full-time students may apply.

Ovid Crouch Memorial Scholarship

The Crouch family established this scholarship to award to declared Business and Economics majors who have completed a minimum of 60 credit hours. The scholarship is renewable for up to four years, if eligibility requirements are met.

Patricia A. and Harry J. Sauer Jr Endowed Scholarship

The family of Harry Sauer, Jr. established this scholarship in honor of Patricia Ann and Harry J. Sauer, Jr. Harry attended the St. Joseph Junior College in 1952-1954. Applicants should be full-time students in good standing who are majoring in Engineering Technology. The scholarship is renewable if above eligibility requirements are met.

Patricia Simmons Memorial Scholarship

The family of Patricia Simmons established this scholarship in her memory. This scholarship supports men's basketball players who are starting their 5th academic year.

Paul L. Block Theater Scholarship

Paul L Block was a member of the first graduating class of Missouri Western State College, where he received his Bachelor of Science Degree. He went on to received a Master's Degree in Theatre from the University of Missouri at Kansas City. Block served in the 42nd Division of the Army in Italy during World War II. Block served a for a period of time as Director of the Resident Theatre in Kansas City, MO. He was the owner and operator of Block's Super Discount Store. Recipients must have a declared major in the Performing and Cinematic Arts. Consideration given to students who are willing to participate as a performer or technician in at least one production each semester.

Peggy Cravens Iffert Scholarship for Nursing

Herbert C. Iffert and Peggy Iffert established this scholarship in 2000. Herb and Peggy were both long-time supporters and volunteers for Missouri Western. The Herb '35 and Peggy Iffert Award for Outstanding Service to the University was established in their name by the Alumni Association in 2007. Student applicants must be full-time and have an interest in pursuing a baccalaureate degree in Nursing. Preference will be given to three-year diploma school graduate RN, candidates with a two-year associates degree or candidates who have satisfactorily completed a minimum of 30 semester hours of college work.

Peggy Iffert Biology Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the estate of Herb and Peggy Iffert. Peggy was a retired registered nurse who attended St. Joseph Junior College. She was a member of the Alumni Board, Ambassadors and one of MWSC's strongest supporters. The Alumni Association named the Herb '35 and Peggy Iffert Award for Outstanding Service to the University award after the Ifferts and their service to the University. This scholarship was established to assist Biology majors.


Peggy Iffert Chemistry Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the estate of Herb and Peggy Iffert. Peggy was a retired registered nurse who attended St. Joseph Junior College. She was a member of the Alumni Board, Ambassadors and one of MWSC's strongest supporters. The Alumni Association named the Herb '35 and Peggy Iffert Award for Outstanding Service to the University award after the Ifferts and their service to the University. This scholarship was established to assist Chemistry majors.

Peggy Juda Re-Entry Scholarship

Support from the Juda family and the Thanksgiving Fund established this fund in 1995. Awards are given to nontraditional students in need to assist in obtaining books for classes.

Pete O. Reiplinger Memorial Scholarship

Pete O. Reiplinger, a 1934 graduate of the St. Joseph Junior College and his wife, Myrtle provided an estate gift to establish this student scholarship. Pete's father served as a member of the St. Joseph Fire Department. Recipients must be full-time entering freshmen students with a minimum high school GPA of 2.5. Preference will be given to children of members of the St. Joseph Fire Department. A one-page essay of interest is required.

Platte County Fair Queen

MWSU offers scholarships to queen contest winners of the Platte County Fair Queen Contest.

Prime Tanning Scholarship

This scholarship was set up by Blueside Companies, Inc., now Prime Tanning, in 1990 for junior or senior level students who have majors in Chemistry or other science areas. Students must have graduate in Northwest Missouri or Northeast Kansas.

Professor Edgar Little Memorial Chemistry Scholarship

Robert Keener '55 established this scholarship in memory of his former professor Edgar Little. Mr. Keener was born and raised in St. Joseph, MO and was a nontraditional student, finishing school after the Korean War. Professor Little "took him under his wing" and influenced his decision to seek a career in petroleum engineering. Mr. Keener desires to memorialize his former professor by establishing this scholarship while providing financial assistance for students wishing to pursue a degree in Chemistry. Applicants must be a full-time, junior or senior level student in good academic standing who have declared a major in Chemistry.

Psychology Chairpersons' Research Scholarship

Former Psychology professor, Phillip Wann, established this scholarship in 2014 to assist declared Psychology majors. Applicants must be full-time students in good standing and enrolled in a minimum of a 3-credit hour independent study research course (PSY 450 or equivalent). Students must submit a statement of proposed research and a letter from their research supervisor regarding the student's research.

R. Dan Boulware Scholarship

In December 2012, R. Dan Boulware received an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree from Missouri Western and was the winter Commencement speaker. As a way to honor Dan and his service to the University; friends and family and community members gathered donations to name a scholarship in his honor. At the time of the scholarship, Dan was a managing partner of the St. Joseph office law firm, Polsinelli Shughart. Recipients must be full-time students in good standing and must be enrolled in a degree program with an emphasis in Pre-Law or Legal Studies. The scholarship is renewable if eligibility requirements are met.

Randy Bever Memorial Scholarship

The family of Randy Bever established this scholarship in his memory. Randy spent 30 years in the medical field as a combat medic, paramedic, emergency nurse and flight nurse. He was a talented instructor and mentor to many. On August 26, 2011, Randy passed away as a result of a helicopter crash while transporting a patient. Applicants must be full-time, junior, senior or graduate level students in good academic standing who have been accepting into the Nursing program.

Raymond Elliott Choral Scholarship

Raymond Elliott established this scholarship in honor of the St. Joseph Junior College choir that sounded a note of gladness to the St. Joseph Community during the Great Depression of the thirties and early forties. Recipients should be participating in a choral group and must be active in a MWSC choral organization with preference given to Vocal majors.

Rex C. DeShon Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established by Richard N. and Mignon G. DeShon in honor of Richard's father, Rex C. DeShon as a general scholarship fund for Missouri Western students.

Richard Lynn Sawyers Engineering Scholarship

The estate of Richard Lynn Sawyers established this scholarship to enable the accomplishment of student's majoring in Engineering.

Riemer Nursing Scholarship

This scholarship was established in August 27, 2010 by the St. Joseph Missouri Ecclesia for full-time junior, senior or graduate level students in good standing who have been accepted into the Nursing program. The scholarship is renewable if the eligibility requirements are met.

Rob Hicklin Memorial Scholarship

Robin "Rob" Lee Hicklin served as Head Football Coach at Missouri Western State University from 1974-1985. He was named to the Missouri Western State University Hall of Fame in 2002. This scholarship was established to assist football players, managers, filmers, trainers, or coaching staff who still need to complete their degree after exhausting their athletic eligibility for their education or graduate education.

Robaska Family Scholarship in Memory of Catherine McAvoy Leddy

P. Gordon and June Robaska and family established this scholarship in memory of Catherine McAvoy Leddy for Bachelors degree seeking Nursing majors. Applicants must be full-time, undergraduate, sophomore, junior or senior level students. This scholarship is renewable if the eligibility requirements are met.

Robaska Family Scholarship in Memory of Thomas Patrick Leddy

Thomas Patrick Leddy was an ITT Executive and began his career in the accounting field. P. Gordon and June Robaska and family established this scholarship in his honor in 2005 for full-time, undergraduate students who are Bachelor degree seeking students in Accounting or Finance. The scholarship is renewable if eligibility requirements are met.

Robert C. Ferguson Scholarship

This scholarship was established in February 1979 by friends and family of Robert C. Ferguson upon his death. This scholarship was established to assist incoming woodwind players with applied music fees on a basis of merit in performance.

Robert D. Sharp Business Scholarship Endowment

Mr. Robert Donald Sharp graduated from Missouri Western in 1974. He retired from the Accounting Department with the U.S. Department of Labor in Kansas City. Applicants must be Accounting or Business majors.

Robert Fraser Scholarship

Robert "Bob" Fraser established this scholarship for declared Business-related major students of sophomore, junior or senior levels. Applicants must be a graduate of a public high school in the greater St. Joseph, MO area and be a United States citizen. Preference given to participants in varsity athletics.

Roberta & Louis Riemer Strings Scholarship

This fund was established in May 1979, as a tribute to Roberta Riemer upon her retirement after 25 years of service as a faculty member. Recipients must be a Music major.

Rod & Anne Fletcher Single Parent Scholarship

Rod and Anne Fletcher established this scholarship in 2004. Both Rod and Anne were very active in the St. Joseph community. Recipients must be a single parent of a child/children under the age of 18 years and living in the same household. They must be full-time students who have completed at least 30 hours. This scholarship is renewable if eligibility requirements are met.

Rogers Percussion Scholarship

Long-time percussion faculty member Dennis Rogers and his wife, Susan established this scholarship for junior or senior level Music major students with percussion performance emphasis. Must display leadership in Music department, specifically in the percussion area.

Rudolph and Sara Hofheimer Nursing Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 2001 in memory of Rudolf and Sara Hofheimer for Nursing majors.

Sally Juden Reed Scholarship

Dr. Louis Juden Reed and Ronald S. Reed Jr. established this scholarship in memory of their mother. Mrs. Reed was active in civic affairs and particularly interested and informed in the field of social welfare. Recipients shall be full-time graduate or undergraduate students in good standing. Preference will be given to current or former residents of the Noyes Home for Children in St. Joseph, MO. Scholarships are renewable if the eligibility requirements are met.

Sandra J. Stubblefield Memorial Scholarship

Sandra J. Stubblefield was a 1984 graduate of Missouri Western and former professor in the Department of English. This scholarship was established in her memory by Stanley W. Stubblefield and family in 2010 to pay tribute to a woman who emphasized the value of higher education for individuals in all stages of life. Recipients must be full-time junior or senior level students in good standing who are majoring in Convergent Journalism and Public Relations. Preference will be given to nontraditional students from the following northwest Missouri counties: Andrew, Atchison, Holt and Nodaway.

Sandra Jacobs Recognition Scholarship

The Department of English, Foreign Languages, and Journalism established this scholarship in honor of Sandra Jacobs, long-time department secretary and Missouri Western BSE honors English graduate. Recipients must be a Convergent Journalism and Public Relations major or minor who has participated in departmental activities and completed at least 30 hours.

Schmitz Family Memorial Scholarship (Education)

Leo and Mary Ann Schmitz, both graduates of the St. Joseph Junior College, established this scholarship in 2000 in memory of their daughter, Anne Marie Schmitz, who passed away while attending Missouri Western as a Sophomore choir student. Applicants must be sophomore, junior or senior level students majoring in Education. Preference given to students intending to teach Math.

Schmitz Family Memorial Scholarship (Music Education)

Leo and Mary Ann Schmitz, both graduates of the St. Joseph Junior College, established this scholarship in 2000 in memory of their daughter, Anne Marie Schmitz, who passed away while attending Missouri Western as a Sophomore choir student. Applicants must be sophomore, junior or senior level students majoring in Music. Preference given to Vocal Choir students.

Science Scholarship Fund

Recipients of this scholarship should have completed 1 semester at MWSU and have interest in pursuing a pre-professional degree in Science.

Shawn P. Malone Chemistry Scholarship

Shawn P. Malone started attending Missouri Western State College in the Fall of 1983 with his sights on a BS in Chemistry due to his interest in math and science. In his first year he received a full year scholarship from the Chemistry Department. One of the Chemistry professors, Dr. Len Archer, was a member of the National Guard, an officer and prominent supporter of the military's leadership programs. He convinced Shawn to join the ROTC program at Missouri Western as an opportunity to enhance his leadership abilities. Shawn went on to earn a 3-year ROTC scholarship, lead the ROTC cadets his Senior year and later graduate and receive a commission as an officer in the US Army. Shawn entered active duty after graduation and went on to serve 11 years in numerous leadership positions. With his technical background and education, the Army sent Shawn to Cornell University to earn his Masters in Chemical Engineering. ln his last assignment in the Anny, Shawn served as an Assistant Chemistry Professor at the US Army's West Point Military Academy. Shawn resigned from the Army as a Major and joined GE Appliances where he has held multiple positions of increasing responsibility in Supply Chain Operations over the last 20 years. Today Shawn is the Vice President of Sourcing at GE Appliances. Shawn credits his success to his technical background and training at Missouri Western as well as his ROTC and active duty leadership experiences. To that regard, Shawn wants to provide financial assistance to those pursuing similar opportunities at Missouri Western State University. Shawn established this scholarship in 2018. Applicants must be full-time students in good academic standing who have declared a major in Chemistry. Preference will be given to students enrolled in the ROTC program, a member of the National Guard or Reserves, or an honorably discharged military veteran.

Shirley Beck Education Scholarship

The Shirley Beck Education Scholarship is given to an education major in honor of a woman who was compassionate about, cared for, and loved all children. Shirley began her college career at Emporia State Teacher's College (Emporia State University) upon graduating from high school in 1955. She left Emporia State upon meeting the love of her life, marrying, and having two daughters. When her girls were in elementary school, she was determined to get her Early Education college degree. She and her family were living in St. Joseph at the time so she enrolled in Missouri Western State College (University). At the age of 33, Shirley was cheered on by family and friends as she crossed the stage to accept her BS - Education degree in 1971. Shirley went on to teach first grade in St. Joseph and then Kindergarten in Easton (East Buchanan School District). Although she taught for a short time only, her love of children continued throughout her entire life as she wanted only the best for all kids. Applicants must be full-time students in good academic standing who are admitted into the Education Department. Preference will be given, in the following order, to an applicant who: 1) is a graduate from East Buchanan High School, 2) is a nontraditional student, 3) is a declared Education major

St. Joseph Community Chorus Scholarship

The St. Joseph Community Chorus, Inc. established this scholarship in 2010 for full-time, sophomore, junior or senior level students in good standing who are Music majors. Students must be enrolled in applied voice lessons, participate in a major choral ensemble and have a strong interest in choral music. Preference will be given to Music Education majors. This scholarship is renewable if eligibility requirements are met.

St. Joseph Eastside Rotary Club Scholarship

The St. Joseph Eastside Rotary Club was first proposed in the late 1970's by Rotarian and Missouri Western State College employee Steve Capelli. The purpose of the foundation was to provide scholarships to St. Joseph area students with financial need to attend Missouri Western State University. Eastside Rotary sees education as a means to accomplish one of the goals of Rotary - "Making dreams Real". Recipients must be a full-time, sophomore, junior or senior level, nontraditional student in good standing. Preference shall be given to applicants who have performed school and community service activities. The scholarship is renewable if eligibility requirements are met.

Student Ambassador VIP Scholarships

Funding to support students who participate as Student Ambassadors with the MWSU Admissions Office.

Susan Peterson Johnson String Improvement Scholarship

Established by Darell James Johnson in 2002 in honor of his wife, Susan Peterson Johnson, who was in the middle of the MWSC Musicianship sequence at the time of her death. This scholarship was established to assist a Orchestral strings Music major in the appropriate level of applied music course for the instrument they play in the MWSU Orchestra, though a first year student who is enrolled din the appropriate applied music course as a secondary rather than a major instrument is also eligible if the student declares a MWSC music major prior to the time of the spring concert. MWSU students participating in the Saint Joseph Symphony are not eligible and students can only receive the award once.

T. C. Kiekhaefer, M.D. Health Care Career Scholarship

Dr. Kiekhaefer founded the MedClinic of St. Joseph and Savannah. He created many jobs in health care and mentored many young people aspiring to make a career of helping others. This scholarship was established by his family, friends and community to honor him. Applicants shall be undergraduate or graduate students interested in, and progressing toward a medically related field such as medicine, nursing, x-ray technology, chiropractic, etc.

Ted Walkowiak Memorial Scholarship

Nell Walkowiak Morris went to school in St Joseph and to Platte Guard Business School and named this scholarship after her brother, Ted Walkowiak, who helped her through business school. Applicants must have and maintain a GPA of 3.0.

Ted Walkowiak Scholarship

Nell Walkowiak Morris went to school in St Joseph and to Platte Guard Business School and named this scholarship after her brother, Ted Walkowiak, who helped her through business school. Applicants must be an Education student majoring in Bachelor of Science in Education with Social Science Concentration.

Thad and Jeannetta Danford Scholarship

Dan and Chris Danford and Sally Danford established this scholarship in March 2012 in honor of Dan's parents. Applicants must be full-time, junior or senior level students in good standing who are classified as a nontraditional student who are majoring in Business or Education.

The Beavers Heavy Construction Scholarship

The Beavers Heavy Construction Scholarship was established by the Trustees of the Beavers Charitable Trust in June 2008. Beavers, Inc (Beavers). The purpose of the Beavers is to promote goodwill within the heavy engineering industry; to give recognition to those who have demonstrated skills, responsibility and integrity; and to encourage and support entry of promising young individuals into heavy engineering construction. Recipients must be United States citizens who are upper-classmen or graduate students majoring full-time in Engineering Technology directly applicable to the heavy construction industry, or in special circumstances a graduate student pursuing no higher than a Master's degree. Recipients should have professional goals of achieving a career in the heavy construction industry.

The Schmidt Foundation Marketing and Leadership Scholarship

Bob and Pat Schmidt, founders of The Schmidt Foundation, were determined to contribute to the success and well-being of the communities they served. They believed if you give back to your community, it begins a chain reaction of good and creates a place where we can all grow and thrive. This scholarship was established to assist full-time degree seeking Marketing or Business majors in good standing. Preference will be given to Marketing majors from Northwest Missouri and Northeast Kansas. Employees of Eagle Radio and their children are ineligible. Upon acceptance of this scholarship, recipients will meet each semester with representatives of The Schmidt Foundation and MWSU for networking and mentoring opportunities. This meeting will be coordinated between the Craig School of Business and The Schmidt Foundation.

Thevenot Legacy Business Scholarship

Martial Thevenot, as a recipient of the 2023 Entrepreneur of the Year Award from the Craig School of Business. Martial gives himself to the community personally and through Team Perka which he has established and grown. Recipients must be full-time students in good academic standing who have declared a major in the Craig School of Business.

Thomas Farthing Graduate Scholarship

The Dorothy Baldwin Trust established this scholarship in honor of Mrs. Baldwin's father. Dorothy was a 1917 graduate of the St. Joseph Junior College. Merit-based scholarships are awarded to students who have been awarded into Missouri Western's Graduate program.

Thomas Thies Baseball Scholarship

The Thomas Thies Baseball Scholarship was established in August 1993 by Ms. Judy Roberts to assist students who participate in baseball.

Tim Hoskins Memorial Scholarship

The Tim Hoskins Memorial Scholarship was initiated by Captain Keith Hoskins in memory of his brother, Timothy L. Hoskins, who passed away in January 2011. Keith was inspired by his brother's love for helping others and both men's appreciation for the help they received. Both Tim and Keith came to Missouri Western (6 years apart) on full ride scholarships as wide receivers for the Griffon football team. Keith graduated in 1988 with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering Technology from MWSU. Keith joined the U.S. Navy, completed Aviation Officer Candidate School and was designated a naval aviator in 1992, joining the elite team of Demonstration Pilot "Blue Angels" in 1999. He spent 27 years serving our country. Tim spend 3.5 years at MWSU, then moved to Omaha, Nebraska where he completed his B.S. in Business in 1981. Recipients must be a full-time student in good academic standing with a declared major in Social Work. Preference will be given, in the following order, to an applicant who: 1) is a student athlete from Park Hill South District, 2) graduated from Park Hill South District, 3) is a student athlete ("student athlete" is defied as a student who played a competitive sport in the high school level or is currently a member of a sanctioned MWSU sport)

V. Fran Quammen Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established by memorial gifts in memory of V. Fran Quammen, a former instructor speech at MWSU, after her passing. Applicants must be majoring in Speech.

Vocal Music Program Scholarship

The A. W. Warren Trust provides grants for this scholarship to assist Vocal Music students.

Waldren Family Scholarship

Jamie M. Waldren established this scholarship in 2005 in memory of Joan Banks-Waldren. This scholarship is for full-time undergraduate students. Preferences are given to student-athletes (preferably a football player) majoring in Business, Accounting, or Finance and students from KC metropolitan areas with special preference given to graduates from Hickman Mills High School or Grandview High School.

Wilfred and Mary Kisker Scholarship

The Kisker family established this scholarship to assist nontraditional degree seeding students who have completed at least 12 hours. Scholarships are renewable if eligibility requirements are met.

William C. Vincent Family Endowed Scholarship

Mr. Edward Vincent established this scholarship in honor of his parents, William C. and Cleota M. Vincent. Mr. Vincent graduated from Central High School in 1937, St. Joseph Junior College in 1939 and then received his B.S.B.A. from the University of Missouri. This scholarship is for full-time students and renewable for up to four years if the student maintains a 3.0 GPA. First preference given to graduates of Central High School in St. Joseph MO and majoring in business, second preference is given to graduates of Central High School in St. Joseph MO majoring in any field of study and third preference is to a student who graduated from any high school in the St. Joseph School District and majoring in any field of study.

William H. Strop Pre-Law Scholarship

William H. Strop was a practicing attorney in St. Joseph, Missouri. He graduated from and served as president of the Missouri University School of Law at Columbia, Missouri in the year 1962. Mr. Strop is the third generation attorney on his father's side and sixth generation attorney on his mother's side to practice law in St. Joseph, Missouri. Recipients of this scholarship shall be junior or senior level students who plan to attend law school at Missouri University School of Law in Columbia, MO.

William Roesle Memorial Scholarship Fund

This fund was established by Mrs. Betsy Roesle and family in April 1979 in memory of William Roesle, a MWSC student, who was killed in a bicycle accident. Recipients must be Chemistry majors.

William Wright Endowment for Student Scholarships

William "Bill" G. Wright established this scholarship in 2013 making Missouri Western a beneficiary of his estate. Bill Wright was very instrumental in establishing the Missouri Western Arts Society and was active in several arts programs and organizations in the St. Joseph and Kansas City area until his passing in 2018. Scholarships are awarded annually to each Art, Music and Theater, Cinema and Dance majors who are full-time students in good standing.

Willis H. McCann Scholarship

This scholarship fund was established in July, 1982 by Charles H. McCann and Rev. John H. McCann in honor of their father's achievement and contribution to the field of psychology. Dr. Willis H. McCann retired as chair of the psychology department in 1977. Applicants must be full-time, first or second semester seniors who are majoring in Psychology. The scholarship will be awarded on the basis of financial need and on personal and vocational aspirations.

Zac Nothhouse Memorial Science Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the family and friends in memory of Zachariah "Zac" Nothhouse in 1999. Applicants should be incoming freshman and graduates of Savannah High School. Preference given to Computer Science majors, then applicants who are going into the medical profession.